2. Mental Health at Work
3. The GIG Economy: Legislative and Case Law Trends
4. New Forms of Work, New Forms of Work Organisation and Tax Challenges
5. Pay Differences: The Gender Pay Gap and the Road to Equality
6. Sustainability: The Impact of Climate Change, Social and Environmental Responsibility and its Challenges in Labour Law
7. Fintech and Financial Innovation and their Impact on Labour Relations
8. Collective Recruitment and Workers' Representative Structures: From Past to Present, and the Future?
9. International Mobilisation of Workers and Challenges Associated with Taxation
10. The Future of Work: A Community Perspective
11. Flexibility and Special Regimes: Sports, Culture and related fields
Works can be presented through traditional seminars (20 minutes for each speaker) or poster presentations.
The best papers will be published by Editora Almedina in a book dedicated to the Congress. They will also be published in e-book format, which is expected to become a new academic trend for the future of work.